

The Rabbits' Behaviour - 兔子的行为习性

Rabbit breeding really a lot of knowledge, especially the behavior of rabbit,example.......... As follows:-
饲养兔子真的有很多学问尤其是兔子的行为,例如。。。。。。 如下:-

1) Eating Own Faeces 食屎习惯
    Rabbit have a very special digestive system; their appendix is involved in hind gut fermentation which transforms indigestible fiber to digestive nutrients. This process small round moist pellet called cecotropes. Rabbit eat them in order to absorb the nutrients from the cecotropes. 兔子有一个很特别的消化系统,它们使用盲肠发酵,兔子会吃掉自己排出的盲肠便 (有称营养便或葡萄便), 以吸取所需要的营养。

2) Chin Rubbing 用下巴磨擦东西
     Rabbit have scent glands under their chin which produce a scent not detectable by humans. When rabbits rub their chin on objects or people the scent stays, this is how rabbits mark their territory. 兔子下巴的腺体能分泌出一种人类闻不到的气味,当兔子用下巴磨擦东西或主人时会把气味留下,以表示这是属于它的东西。

3)Biting 啃咬东西
     Rabbits' teeth grow continuously therefore they bite and chew to keep their teeth short. To avoid the rabbit biting your furniture or other objecta, you could give hay-cubes, sticks or other untreated wooden toys to your rabbit. 由于兔子的牙齿会不断生长, 它们会本领地找东西肯咬来把牙齿磨短, 为避免兔子啃咬家具或其它物件, 主人可给予一些草砖,木枝或木制玩具。

4) Circling Your Feet 围着主人的脚转圈
    This is a courting act which indicates the rabbit is sexually mature. It also means the rabbit really likes you!

5) Dancing 跳兔子舞
    Rabbits may jump up in the air and leap about suddenly, this means they are in a jubilant mood and very excited.兔子會突然在半空中躍起或邊行邊跳起,好像跳舞一樣,這是表示兔子的心情異常興奮、開心。

6)Digging Hole 挖地      This is a basic instinct, wild rabbits dig holes for shelters and to trim their nails. 野外的兔子會挖地並且在土地下建造地穴居住的,所以挖地是牠們天生本能行為,但亦有可能是由於兔子感到牠的手趾甲太長,所以挖地來把牠磨短。

7) Thumping With Hind Leg 用后脚大力踏地    When a rabbit is terrified or threatened, it may hit the ground hard with its rear leg. This also communicates danger or a perceived threat to other rabbits nearby. 當兔子驚慌或感到受到威脅的時候會用後腳大力踏地,同時亦是通知同伴這裡有危險。

8) Thumping Or Pawing With Front Leg 前脚拍打或抓动
    Please do not put your hand near the rabbit because the rabbit is probably angry or irritated. 兔子生氣時有時候會前腳快速的抓動作出反擊,這時你最好不要在將手伸過去。

9) Teeth Grinding 轻轻地磨牙
   Gentle and soft grinding of teeth show that the rabbit is in a comfortable, happy and content mood. However, if it is loud, the rabbit may be in pain or suffering from an illness. 輕細的磨牙聲即表示兔子感到很舒服、開心和滿足。但如果兔子發出很大的磨牙聲,即代表牠感到十分痛楚,可能是身體出現毛病了。

10) Loud Teeth-Grinding 磨牙或咬牙
      Loud teeth grinding means that the rabbit is in pain, please take the rabbit to the vet for further examination.會聽到兔子發出格格的咬牙聲,代表兔子感到疼痛,最好帶兔子到獸醫診所檢查一下。

11) Standing On Rear Legs 用后脚站立
      When a rabbit hears a suspicious sound, becomes cautious or alerted, they will stand on both back legs for a better view. 當兔子聽到可疑的聲音、好奇或是警戒的時候也會站起來。

12) Screaming 尖叫     A signal of a rabbit in pain or panicked; rabbits may scream also if they feel they are near death. 代表牠們感到痛楚及驚慌,而且當牠們瀕臨死亡的時候同樣也會發出尖叫聲。

13) Flattening 躺下来伸展身体
      A rabbit lying down on the ground relaxing with all legs extended outward shows that it feels safe. 兔子在輕鬆的狀態下會躺在地上,前後腳伸展開來,表示牠對周圍環境感到安心,而且還會熟睡起來。

14) Pusing People Or Things With Yheir Head 用头顶或顶东西     A rabbit is asking you to make way and let it past. 兔子希望你不要擋住牠的路,想叫你讓開。

15) Bottom-Facing 屁股对着人
     Rabbits protest with their bottoms facing towards the subjects. 生氣或是抗議。

16) Urine-Marketing 喷尿
     Rabbits will mark their territories by urine-marking, something even marking people. 發情時會以噴屎作標記來霸佔地盤,有時甚至會噴向主人。

17) Touching You With Its Nose 鼻尖碰你         A rabbit wants to get your attention or wants to play with you. 即表示想跟你玩耍或要你注意牠。

18) Growling 发出咕咕声
      Usually this is to express disapproval or anger. 通常是對主人的行為或對另一隻兔子感到不滿。

19) Light-biting 轻咬              If a rabbit bites you lightly it is warning you to stop what you are doing. 兔子輕咬你時是想告訴你停止現時對牠所做的動作。

20) Leaning Towards The Cage Or Biting It 把鼻子靠近笼边或咬笼                 A rabbit is pleading you for something or wishes to be let out of the cage. 這樣是代表懇求,希望得到一些東西或想出來玩耍。

21) Licking 舔你的手
     An expression of how much a rabbit likes you. 表示多謝或喜歡你的意思。

22) Waving Its Tail 摇动尾巴
      A complacent act. A rabbit might swing its tail after you have failed to catch it. 是一種挑皮得戚的意思,例如你想把兔子捉回籠子,兔子跳起來同時抽動尾巴,意思是「你不會捉到我的」。

23) Hair Picing 拔毛
      Females will do this during a false pregnancy or around one week before giving birth. 當雌兔假懷孕期間或要生產的前一天,都會出現拔毛的行為。

